Audio Urdu Quran


Audio Quran in Urdu Language 


You can click on the hyperlinks below for audio translation of Quran in Urdu. Each audio file contains one Ruku. A copy of word to word english translation (compiled by:  Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh and Ms. Kausar Khatri) is also provided with the audio.



 Urdu Translation of Surae Fateha


                                       Surae Al Fateha 



Urdu Translation of Surae Baqara



 Urdu Translation of Surae Al 'Imran




Urdu Translation of Surae An Nisaa





Urdu Translation of Surae Al Ma’idah




 Urdu Translation of Surae Al An'am




Urdu Translation of Surae Al A'araf


Urdu Translation of Surae Al Anfal



 Urdu Translation of Surae Tauba



  Urdu Translation of Surae Yunus



  Urdu Translation of Surae Hud (First two rukus)