- Our aim is to improve understanding of Islam.
- The Urdu Audio Quran provided here contains a simple word to word translation of the holy Quran (first 11 paras) in Urdu language.
- A section of this website is dedicated to the 'science of different recitations' of the holy Quran and includes several rare books on Ashrah Qirat in Urdu that are not easily available now.
Audio Quran in Urdu: A word about the translator
Qaria and Mufassira Mrs. Amtul Hameed was an Arabic scholar who spent a major part of her life teaching Arabic and Quran to school and college students. In the 1960-70s, she served as the Head of the Department of Arabic at Anwar-ul-uloom College, Hyderabad, India. She later taught at the Embassy of India School in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for over two decades. After her retirement she devoted her time in teaching Qirat-e-Saba and Qirat-e-Ashra in Hyderabad. In addition, her weekly lectures on tafseer of the Holy Quran were popular among Muslim women of Hyderabad. The clarity with which she understood Quran, and explained and interpreted the meaning of each ayath were the hallmark of these sessions. The audio files of her translation of the holy Quran on this website provide a glimpse of this wisdom bestowed on her by Allah. They were recorded during the years 2006-2009.
Each audio file is presented in the form of a short lesson that covers a ruku of Quran with word to word translation of the first 11 paras of the holy Quran in Urdu.
She passed away in November 2010 (إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ).